Attendance & Punctuality - Guidance for Parents
The city of Liverpool is currently facing a significant challenge in improving the overall attendance rates within its schools and in reducing persistent absenteeism (less than 90% attendance). At The Belvedere Academy we are dedicated to improving and maintaining our excellent attendance record both within the school and as part of the Local Authority. There is a proven link between attendance and achievement, and absence from school is a barrier to learning that can affect attainment over time. Therefore, it is crucial that our students attend school unless illness prevents them from doing so.
The academy has a strict policy for attendance and punctuality (link below) with clear procedures and rules related to student absence. Communication is absolutely vital and we actively encourage this between parents and staff. Lack of communication relating to absence can trigger legal safeguarding protocols set down by the Local Authority, processes that can be avoided if the rules and procedure are followed.
Reporting an Absence
If you wish to report your child's absence from school:
- Contact the school on the first day of absence on 01517271284 (choose the option for student absence from the switchboard) before 8:25am, whenever possible.
- If your child is absent from school and we have not heard from you by 9:30am, a SIMs InTouch message will be sent to you. No response to this could trigger our safeguarding protocol.
- Please contact us each day your child continues to be absent.
If your child is not ill but you wish for them to be absent due to exceptional circumstances, you may apply to the Principal in writing via the Head of Year for a leave of absence.
It is important to note, that it is up to the discretion of the Principal whether an absence is considered authorised or not and this decision is non-negotiable. If an absence is not authorised, you could incur a Penalty Notice or further action from the Local Authority (please see point 7 of the policy for further information).