
Sponsored by the Girls Day School Trust, committed to the education of young women.

More about the GDST

The Belvedere Academy


The Belvedere Academy prides itself on its involvement in projects within Liverpool and in educational conversations nationally and globally. This involvement brings knowledge and understanding to academy staff and provides some fantastic opportunities for our pupils.

Julie Taylor, Principal, sits on Liverpool Association of Secondary Heads and is part of Liverpool City Council's Education Priority 1 working party which focuses on ensuring the mental and emotional wellbeing of children and young people so that they are supported so that they can flourish in their education.

Examples of some of our current projects:

  •  The Positive Schools Programme which introduces emotional literacy into all areas of academy life
  • The Mentors Against Violence Prevention Programme which trains Year 10 pupils to work with younger pupils around positive relationships and responding to negative behaviours. 
  • Working with Liverpool Mayor Joanne Anderson around Violence Against Women and Girls
  • The Attachment and Trauma Responsive Schools Project - a unique project involving 10 Liverpool schools which seeks to have a transformative impact on the educational experience of children and young people within Liverpool
  • The GDST Undivided Programme
  • BLM Curriculum Review Working Group
  • Liverpool School Sports Partnership
  • Girls on Board - a unique programme looking at empowering pupils to form positive relationships with each other and self-regulate their emotions
  • Liverpool Youth Parliament
  • Oxwell Study on student wellbeing post pandemic
  • Partnership with Liverpool John Moores University and Archbishop Blanch School for ITE

GDST Academy Trust is a Limited Company and Charity · Registered in England No. 6000347 · Registered Office: 10 Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DH