
Sponsored by the Girls Day School Trust, committed to the education of young women.

More about the GDST

The Belvedere Academy

Help and Support Agencies for young people during the school holidays and out of academy hours.


Children & Young People’s Wellbeing Support

This service offers 1-2-1 support young people experiencing low level anxiety, worry and low mood with the hope of preventing problems escalating and teaching young people skills to support their mental health.

Children & Young People's Wellbeing Support Poster


Who can I talk to whilst I wait?



 Online counselling and anonymous support

Kooth Sign Up

If you need urgent assistance:

Crisis line for parents and children (Under 16)

0808 196 3550 or 0151 293 3577


(16+) Urgent care line (24/7)

0808 145 6570

Psychological Support Line for anxiety and depression (8am-8pm)

 0151 473 0303 

Talk Liverpool (online self-referral for individual and group support)

 Please present at A&E if you are worried about your welfare 

I need help distracting myself from some challenging thoughts:

Distraction from self-harm 

Distraction techniques:

How can I distract myself? 

What can I do to feel better? 

Relaxation techniques and tutorials


The 5-4-3-2-1 Method: A Grounding Exercise to Manage Anxiety 

Anna Freud - Self Care 

94 self-help strategies suggested by children and young people


We are a charity providing free, confidential support to people experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol, or mental health. We use our expertise to deliver support and raise awareness around drugs, alcohol, and mental health.

We Are With You 


GDST Academy Trust is a Limited Company and Charity · Registered in England No. 6000347 · Registered Office: 10 Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DH