In-Year Transfers
In year transfer is the term used when pupils transfer from one school to another school during the academic year.
Local School to School Transfers
All Liverpool schools and academies manage their own local school to school in-year transfer requests – including those schools for which the LA is the admitting authority. A local school to school move is defined as a move from one Liverpool school to another Liverpool school which is not the result of a house move.
If you are hoping to move your child to The Belvedere Academy from another secondary school within Liverpool please contact their existing school to instigate an in year transfer. Your child’s school will provide a form and will send the completed paperwork to The Belvedere Academy so that the request can be processed.
In-Year Transfers - new to a Liverpool School
If you have moved house within the Liverpool city region, and your child’s existing school is no longer practical (usually considered more than 3 miles walking distance), are new to the city or would like to transfer your child from a school in another authority to The Belvedere Academy, please apply to Liverpool City Council Admissions department on 0151 233 3006 or see for further information.
Please note: The Belvedere Academy is currently oversubscribed in each year group so there are no places available for in year transfer pupils. This does not affect your right of appeal.
Waiting List
The Belvedere Academy will maintain and operate a waiting list for in-year applications received during the current academic term. The waiting list will cease at the end of each academic term so parents wanting their child's name to remain on the waiting list will need to make a new in-year transfer application at the beginning of each new academic term. The Autumn Term begins in September, the Spring Term begins in January and the Summer Term begins directly following the Easter break.
Places from the waiting list will be allocated in line with the oversubscription criteria as described in the Year 7 Admissions Policy, which is available on our website here: Year 7 Admissions Policy for entry in Sept 2024
Current pupils who wish to leave the academy
If your child is a current pupil at the academy and wishes to transfer to a different school, please contact the academy via to request a meeting with your child’s Head of Year. A form will be completed and shared with the school(s) of your choice to see if they have any places available.